SEX w/ Annie, Let's Talk about Sex!


Excerpt; Sammy's first night with Jake

She realized he had said he did the remodel for Kelly and Garrett, and she started to blush again.  “Was it something I said Samantha?”  She looked down and to the side; “It was just the remodel that caught me off guard.”  He got this look on his face and he smiled as he took that last shot of tequila and bit the lemon wedge, then he shook his head yes, “Yes I worked on that room for almost six months while my crew took care of the rest of the house.”  and she started to laugh. 

How to have the best sex of your life..

How many times have you wanted to say something to your significant other about your sex life and just couldn't spit it out.

Well this is the year you are going to get what you want. Believe me I have been married for thirty years. I know about fabulous sex.


Funny what we remember at Christmas time

I know the holidays are fun and festive and at the same time can be stressful with all the running around and the money being spent to make everyone happy. 
The holidays shouldn't only be about who gets the most expensive gift. 
They should be about family and friends getting together and catching up. 

And lets not forget that there are people out there that get sad or depressed around the holidays.... Make sure you give those people a call or stop by for a cup of coffee, you will never know just how much that phone call or visit will mean to that person. 


Wordpress? who knew.

So it turns out I have a blog on WordPress after all. After all that work my husband Mike did we actually have WordPress blog . . I figured I would write about all the crazy thoughts that pop into my brain here at Blog Spot and use the WordPress for the sexy stuff. Yes any excuse to talk about not just kinky sex but sex.