We all know that if the wind blows a certain way or no way at all most men can be ready for sex at moments notice. But that's not true for women. Women are different when it comes to getting ready for some sexual pleasure. So listen up guys. Women need the dance, and by dance I mean the flirting, the foreplay.
Have you ever seen a male peacock or any bird for that matter do the mating dance for that chance to have sex with a female. It's really fun to watch but women know that men or most men aren't going to do that type of dance. Flirting with your lady is a kind of mating dance. And of course the reward for that little bit of effort is huge.So guys start brushing up on your flirting. Read about it. Get some new pick up lines. Yes I said pick up lines. Because even though you may have her she still wants you to woo her.